The Jewish Legacy of Soviet Dictatorship

8 min readJul 27, 2021


“There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism, and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution, by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews” — Winston Churchill, Feb. 8th 1920, London Illustrated Sunday Herald

A screen shot of the complete article which can be found easily through a google search. Since has conveniently taken it upon themselves to cut (censor) the lower portion of the article, others have taken the initiative to post it in its entirety in chat forum like reddit. Click here to view the original article in its entirety. Click here to find its censored counterpart on

People in this day and age who have the courage to speak out about the dominant and leading role of Jews in one of the greatest terror campaigns of the past century or more, are often labelled as anti-semitic conspiracy theorists. It turns out however, that even Winston Churchill was well informed and open about the fact that those “Russian” communists who were responsible for the genocide of millions of ethnic Eastern European civilians weren’t really Russians, but Jews who called themselves Russians. It’s time to put to rest the notion that Jewish involvement in the bloodbath of the USSR at the onset of their Bolshevik revolution in 1917, is nothing more than a dusty conspiracy theory, and shed some light on some of the evidence confirming the true semitic origins of Soviet terror. Among the myriad of sources confirming the Jewish origins of the Politburo, perhaps the most astonishing is a newspaper article titled Zionism vs. Bolshevism — A Struggle For The Soul of The Jewish People. Written by Sir. Winston Churchill himself, the article was published at the onset of the Bolshevik revolution in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of London, February 8th, 1920.

Winston Churchill blatantly and simply, in his own words, states that not only was the Bolshevik revolution overwhelmingly lead by Jews, but that Jews had taken control of Russia altogether.

“A sinister confederacy of international Jews, who have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire” — Winston Churchill describes communism in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, Feb. 8th 1920.

Polish government anti-communist poster to counter Bolshevik propaganda from Russia during the Polish-Russian war, in 1920, showing People’s Commissar for the Army Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Leon Trotsky). Large caption reads: “Bolshevik freedom.”. Small caption on the right-hand-side reads: The Bolsheviks promised: We’ll give you peace We’ll give you freedom We’ll give you land Work and bread Despicably they cheated They started a war With Poland Instead of freedom they brought The fist — Instead of land -confiscation Instead of work — misery Instead of bread — famine.

It goes without saying that consequently, the Politburo governing the USSR, was nothing more or less than a massive kahal of Jews who had taken after their Jewish ideologue Karl Marx and his communist notion of a utopia, most likely inspired by the grandiose Talmudic visions of God’s Chosen People as the masters of humanity. Marx’s grandfather was after all a Rabbi and there is an undeniable Talmudic influence in his communist ideology. The Jewish roots of communism are especially relevant as they show us that there is a logical causal relationship between the overwhelming overrepresentation of Jewish leadership in the USSR, the Jewish origins of Marxism, and the contempt of the soviet leaders towards ethnic Russians which is so very reminiscent of a Talmudic supremacist rhetoric. It’s not just some fantastical coincidence that Bolshevism and the Politburo so happened to be dominated by Jews, and that it had nothing to do with being Jewish, as so many of today’s culturally and politically sensitive individuals would have us believe. “SO WHAT?!” they often say in response. “Jews are just especially talented and skilled when it comes to governing! The only reason why they’re overrepresented in government is because they’re geniuses!” It may well be that Jews have a special talent for bureaucracy and government — if your criteria for skillful leadership include Bolshevik methods like using violence and terror to force your way into power — but talent and genius don’t excuse an organized and intentional genocide of a civilian population. The GULAG death camps in what may be referred to as The Holocaust of the East, were exclusively administered by Jews like Naftaly Frenkel, Mitvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, Yakov Rapoport, Aaron Salts and Lazar Kogan. Estimates of civilian deaths under the soviet Kahal reach up to 66 million (from Alexander Solzhenitsyn, GULAG survivor and Nobel prize winner) which would make about 64.68 million non-Jews when taking into account that only 2% of the population of the Soviet Union was actually Jewish. Another scholarly Jewish publication of a study done for an accurate estimate claims 9.7 to 16.7 million deaths from the GULAGS alone, not including other soviet means of terror such as the Ukrainian Holodomor which starved to death 4 million Ukrainians or the construction of the Baltic Sea Canal which overworked millions more to death.

Winston Churchill’s article contains some details which are especially relevant, as they dismantle common arguments attempting to convince us that the Jewish origins of an overrepresented majority in the governing body of the USSR are irrelevant, conceding to the popular notion that it was a Russian dictatorship massacring it’s own population, or that they were just Russians of a different religious following. Most of those same politically sensitive international apologists would equally well have one believe that just because leading members of the Bolsheviks took Russian names like Trotsky, Zinofiev, Kamenev, Sverdlov, and Lenin (formerly know by his true Jewish name Lev Bronstein), that magically, their ethnic loyalties and sympathies to the interests of Jews as a people had suddenly disappeared. Similarly naive is the popular argument that the Jews of Soviet Russia were just Russians of a different religious faith. Of particular relevance to such a naive claim is Churchills deliberate mentioning of the fact that most of the Jews who took control of Russia at the onset of the revolution were atheists. How could an atheist be a Jew, if the only criterion one need to fulfill to be considered a Jew is to subscribe to a religious faith? To this day, the right of return to Israel is given exclusively to all Jews based on having Jewish ancestry, including Jews who identify as atheists.

A famous postcard featuring the original Bolshevik revolutionaries, all but one of whom (Lunacharsky) were Jewish. Click here for the wikipedia source. From top to bottom: Lenin (Lev Bronstein), Trotzky, Zinoviev, Lunacharsky, Kamenev, Sverdlov.

“This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing” — Winston Churchill, The Illustrated Sunday Herald, Feb. 8th 1920.

Impossible equality — the signature characteristic of Marxism — is still alive and well, perhaps more so than ever before. One need not pay attention to politics in any western nation for any considerably long period of time, to find that an obsession with equality dominates the political climate of the west. The left wing of the political spectrum is hell bent on equality. This obsession with equality in our political sphere has attained such a massive scale that it is no longer just concerned with justice among identifiable groups of people based on present day disparities, but historical grievances dating back to an indeterminate period of time. Akin to the dictatorship of North Korea where innocent civilians are incarcerated for crimes committed by their parents or grandparents, the left wing demands retribution for grievances towards Europeans for their supposed past transgressions including the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, and most notably the Holocaust. Such grievances have been used as the primary justification for the destruction of European sovereignty, tradition and culture, with the notion that in order to pay for our past transgressions, we must show that we have changed by becoming a home for all of the victims, poor, or disadvantaged of the world. The wretched refuse of the world in other words, as the Jewess Emma Lazarus has taken upon herself to define refugees in a plaque illegitimately placed on the statue or liberty in New York City.

The plaque which was placed well after the placement of the statue, by Emma Lazarus on the right

God’s Chosen People have also played a significant role in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade (the once entirely Jewish Island of Curacao is a prime example), and Winston Churchill himself has acknowledged the leading role of Jews in the Holocaust of the east. So why hasn’t Israel been held accountable for their transgressions in the same manner as Europe and her former New World colonies? Instead of equal accountability, what we see is that on the account of their relentless campaign of Holocaust tears, Israel is the largest recipient of foreign aid from America, even though they violate American foreign policy and are constantly breaking international law, and also despite the fact that they have a track record of genocide which easily scales to Holocaustic proportions. In spite of historical as well as present day transgressions, they continue to receive foreign aid and protection from the most powerful countries in the world even in cases when they violate the foreign policies of those same nations who generously offer their support to Israel. Other nations have been destroyed in “wars against terror”, while others still are expected to give up their national identities, even their cultures and traditions, to multiculturalism in order to atone for transgressions similar to those that Israel has committed. Israel continues to be the most privileged nation on earth with the highest foreign aid of any country in the world, despite having among the highest records of UN rights violations and a historical record of genocidal ethnic cleansing. They do call themselves God’s Chosen People after all and it seems that they see to it to be treated by the world as such — above the law, and exempt from consequences.

God’s Chosen People must convey an image of moral superiority, and they rely on people to believe that they are the victims of the world, as well as geniuses of moral superiority, in order to keep their status as a privileged nation. They can’t afford to have their image compromised by the ill deeds they’ve been required to commit in order to reach their privileged status. So they claim foreign identities when executing unethical behaviors, with the result that they may be excused for their transgressions, the burden of which falls on otherwise innocent nations. People believe that Iraq and Lebanon, pretty much the entire middle east as a matter of fact, were bombed or even destroyed by Americans. Similarly, people believe that Russians massacred their own people, while Israel is deemed a nation too special, too innocent and too vulnerable to be held accountable to conventional standards of critique.

Netanyahu speaking at a conference for AIPAC, a Jewish lobby specifically for Israel in America, a sort of Kahal in America which may be compared to the kahal of the USSR.

Today, the most powerful lobby in the most powerful nation on earth, is a lobby specifically for Israel. Naturally, it has a bias not towards its host nation of America, but towards Israel. The American government is much like the kahal of the former USSR, claiming to be American while acting in the interests of a foreign nation. Winston Churchill shows us that it’s okay to be open about the ethnically Jewish origins of a similarly subversive political kahal in the former USSR. I would argue that it’s ok to be open about their Jewish origins, for the same reason that it’s considered ok to be open about the German origins of the Nazis. Like the Nazis, the Jews of soviet Russia executed a genocidal ethnic cleansing of equal or greater proportions. It just seems that whenever the Jewish nation is the perpetrator, they have a habit of saying they are Russian or American. But when they are the victims, they claim their Jewish identity and remain to be seen as the innocent and morally superior benefactors of humanity — God’s Chosen People.

